The inquest into the shooting death of Steve Mesic continues on Thursday.

The inquest was stalled on Wednesday as lawyers argue over the calling of a witness. If you missed the inquest yesterday, here's a recap of what happened.

Mesic, a former steelworker, was shot on June 7, 2013, just steps away from his own home near Lincoln Alexander Parkway and Upper Wentworth. The incident took place shorty after Mesic checked himself out of a voluntary mental health facility at St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton. 

The SIU cleared the officers involved in the shooting of any wrongdoing, but the mandatory inquest is examining the chain of events that led up to shots being fired.

So far, the jury at the inquest has heard testimonies from both officers involved in the shooting death of Mesic, two of Mesic's neighbours, the lead SIU investigator, and a senior psychologist from St. Joseph's  Hospital. The jury also visited the site of the shooting on Tuesday.

The jury will be called upon to make recommendations on how deaths like Mesic's can be prevented.

The 10-day inquest is expected to wrap up on Friday.

Follow reporter Joe Engelhard's tweets live from the courtroom.