
RAW: Premier Kathleen Wynne responds to AG report 10:28

RAW: Premier Kathleen Wynne responds to AG report 10:28

CBC Live

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What do you think of the Ontario premier's first year on the job?

Have your say. Call in to CBC Radio's Ontario Today at noon on Monday or join the online audio/text live chat here on this page. Dial 1-888-817-8995 for the call-in with Premier Kathleen Wynne and host Rita Celli.

We'll take a look at the first year in office for Ontario's first female premier. It hasn't been an easy one. And, the premier will answer your tough questions. We'll look at the gas plant cancellation and some of the other challenges she has faced this year.

Right after the show Wynne's government will unveil its long-term energy plan. The plan will lay out how much nuclear, solar and wind energy Ontario expects to generate for the next two decades and what it's expecting in the way of supply and demand.

The audio/text live chat with the premier is the first of three year-end interviews with Ontario's political leaders. On Dec. 17 at noon Ontario's New Democratic Party leader Andrea Horwath will be on Ontario Today. We'll host a live chat with her as well. A time for the live chat with Progressive Conservative party leader Tim Hudak has not yet been determined. We'll let you know when it has.


What do you think of the Ontario Premier's first year on the job?

In mid-November the Ontario Liberal Party posted this ad to Youtube. In it Wynne talks about her love of running and her determination.