Hamilton public schools closed, Catholic schools open

Written By Unknown on Senin, 27 Januari 2014 | 22.46

An unexpected snow day has closed some Hamilton schools: all Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board schools are closed on Monday.

Catholic school kids, you're not so lucky. Catholic schools are open, but buses aren't running. Exams are also cancelled for the day.

All scheduled exams for today in Hamilton public schools have been moved to Tuesday, Jan 28. Exam return is still on Thursday and Semester 2 starts on Friday as scheduled.

Public school board spokesperson Jackie Penman told CBC Hamilton that the decision to close schools was made at 6:30 a.m. Monday.

"The decision is made first thing in the morning," she said. "Our advice from transportation is that the roads were unsafe."

The decision to close was made based on "the safety of students," she said, adding that once the decision to close is made, it would be "very hard to open schools in the middle of the day."

The decision drew the ire of some on Twitter today, and even teachers were piping up about it:

The weather is also causing problems at McMaster University. Power has been restored in most west campus buildings and the university is open after an earlier outage. Power is back on in Mary Keyes, Matthews, Moulton Hall, Wallingford and Bates residences and in the Refectory, and Alumni House. The power is still out at the McMaster Children's Centre, where there is also flooding. The Children's Centre will remain closed until at least noon today.

The power is still out at the Central Services Building, Applied Dynamics building and T-26. Generators are expected on site shortly.

Classes are on and the campus is open at Mohawk College in Hamilton, but classes at the Brantford campus have been cancelled.

There are no cancellations or closures for any City of Hamilton recreation programs or facilities this morning.

Catholic school board students took to Twitter to express how they felt about having to go to school while public board students celebrated a snow day:

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